We all know about D0150 Comprehensive Evaluation for New Patients. In certain instances, utilizing Code D0180 Comprehensive Periodontal Evaluation might be in your best interest.
This code came out initially for utilization by specialists. Both codes 0150 and 0180 are Comprehensive Oral Evaluations for new and established patients. The difference being 0180 is used exclusively for patients showing signs or symptoms of periodontal disease and with patients with risk factors, such as smoking or diabetes. D0180 requires complete periodontal charting, which includes, but is not necessarily limited to 6 points per tooth, probing, recording recession, furcations, bleeding points, mobility, attachment loss and a periodontal diagnosis. The 0150 may include a periodontal screening and list of any soft tissue anomalies but does not require any recording. That being said, many patients do meet this requirement both as new and/or re-establishing patients.
Most insurance carriers treat the 0180 similarly to the 0150 in that it counts towards one of the two exams that are typically paid per year, although some variations have been noted. Some carriers may reimburse D0180 every 12-24 months or every 3-5 years and some once in a lifetime. Some insurance carriers compensate at a higher rate for the D0180 vs. the 0150. So, this code can be helpful and is being used more and more by general practitioners.
Questions About Dental Codes?
We are happy to help. Call the team at Advanced Practice Management at (952) 921-3360.